Take a look at my baby girl and her new baby, Walrus!!!!! ♥_♥
My whole mouth's still feeling a little sore from my wisdom tooth surgery so i've been living on porridge and milk for the past few days... It's making me feeling all *emotional* and restless. And messed up.
In fact i feel kinda miserable right now.
I haven't felt this way for a long time now and right at this moment i just wish someone would understand how i feel and be here with me, physically and mentally, shower me with love and take care of me till i feel better. :'c
Spent my day around my neigbourhood finding pancake mix but to no avail, making breakfast (eggs & sasauges yay finally but i threw away after a few mouths ugh frustrated), watching Greys Anatomy, doing my HK itinerary, putting Cults on replay, drinking milk and eating tau huey (like finally someone understand how i really need to satisfied this craving of mine?!?!!), uploading photos and finally here i am, blogging and wallowing in self-pity

What do you do when you're not sure of the road ahead of you? Do you just embrace it without ever looking back, just waiting and fearing for the day you might fall down again? Or would you stay still at where you are and wait? Waiting not because you know you'll find a light in this darkness but waiting cause you know you'll never really find an answer but you just want to wait because you're afraid.
What am i supposed to do? How am i supposed to react now?
But i guess no matter how bad the situation is, there will always be true friends who will be beside you supporting no matter what, giving you every attention that they can which you don't deserve. Thank you bbg, you know who you are ♥

"The only voice that matters is the one in your head, the one telling you what you probably already knew, the one that's almost always right."
"There are times in our lives when love really does conquer all: exhaustion, sleep deprivation, anything. And then there are those times when it seems like love brings us nothing but pain."
- Greys Anatomy