The only two photos i have during my stay at Fullerton hotel over the weekend because some asshole decided to steal my phone during a photo shoot today......... I'm honestly really heartbroken and upset that all my photos in my phone are g o n e forever. Sigh sigh sigh why didn't i back up my phone yesterday???!
P/S: To those who texted me and i didn't reply, i'm sorry okay don't kill me. Email me if it's urgent! X
Okay so today i've an annoucement to make.....
Not many people know about this because i didn't want to announce it until i know i made it to the finals. And now i did so i just wanna say it out loud that.............
I got through the island-wide casting and became the top 48 semi-finalists and was invited to Fullerton Bay Hotel for a event. I was actually quite nervous because i'm gonna meet some of the other contestants and i'm awkward around new, gorgeous people but it turned out just fine though!

We first had our hair and make up done in the room by these awesome make up artists!

Then the event started and we had to look classy and mingle around~~~

One more group photo with the girls in the room after the event!

And on last Saturday, it was the semi-finals. There were 48 girls and 22 guys and only 12 girls and 6 guys will be selected!
Pretty Natali!!! :*

Getting our comp cards!

Then it was time for the casting.........

The panel of judges - EML Singapore Director, Mr. Eric Ceret, Ms. Justina Kozicki and Ms. Lisa Crosswhite

We had to showcase our catwalk up and down the carpet thrice and honestly i was shaking so bad inside and on the same time, i can't stop thinking whether i look good, or if my posture is straight, and do i smile or do i give a stern face yada yada.... I was so upset after my walk because i felt like i didn't do a good job :(
But like what people say, always have confidence in yourself and just give everything that you're passionate about a try because you'll never know who will find potential in you!

And YESSSS I got into the top 12!!!! So thankful to be given this chance because i would never have thought that i could make it..... Sigh

The 6 male finalists!

Right after the semi finals, we started a whole lot of workshops... Busy busy busy. We have our schedule all packed for next week all the way till the finals on 9 Nov! But anyhoo, on Monday we had a fitting at Francis Cheong's!

Afterwhich, we got chauffeured by Volkswagen to the Volkswagen showroom for a photoshoot!

Not really a fan of my hairdo because i felt that it didn't complement my face shape? But i guess i just have to try to make it work?? Hahaha
So yup that's about it so far! Will share more later :)
The grand final will be on 9 Nov at Hard Rock Coliseum, Resorts World Sentosa. Everyone is welcome to come and watch and support! Tickets are sold at Sistic so go get yours k!!! Click here to know more!
Also i need a favour from all of you... Just a small one! Please vote for me!!!!
Just by voting, you'll get to win 2 tickets to the grand finals and also a weekend drive with a Volkswagen car of your choice!!!!
VOTE OK I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH X See y'all on 9 Nov, Friday!