Finally got the time to upload the pics from ReStore II! Didn't take much photos that day. I was practically stoning and eating non-stop during the whole time.... But not too bad for my first ever flea!

Only had 3 hours of sleep before which explains my horrible eye bags and the i-am-barely-awake but still excited face hahaha

Was supposed to reach by 11 but as usual being a slowpoke, i reached at 1pm-ish hahaha and i was suprised by the crowd when i reached! I didn't think people would actually wake up so early to shop???!
With Ivan!
And his gf!

Super cute boy who couldn't figure out whats $10 - $7 bwhahaha

And cutest baby with the most squishable cheeks goes to this lil one!!!! Our 30 seconds conversation with the mom:
Us: Can we take a photo of your baby??? *squeals*
Mom: Haha ya sure!
*snap* *snap*
Us: Awwww so cuteee i wanna pinch his cheeks!!! Thank you hehe
Mom: No problem, that's 10 bucks. :)
Us: ...??? OH hahahahahhahaahahaha

I was really really happy that day to have both my favourites with me. Believe it or not, even though i've been with Jens for so long, he and Eli (who is my bestest and closest gf to heart, who knows me inside out) have never really talked or try to know each other before. So when they both agreed to go to the flea with me i was BEYOND happy. Don't know why both so anti-social HMPH this stupid boyfriend forever don't wanna socialise with my friends one lor????

Thank you to the bf for getting up early, helping me with all my barang barang, getting me food, sending me to and fro and just taking care of me the whole time ♥

And thank you bby for agreeing to share a booth with me even though you hate fleas to the maxxxx and just being such a sweetheart, as usual. I won't even have this chance to hold a flea without you, and even if i do, it wouldn't be fun without you around ♥

Random OOTD with my chair hahaha

Sent Eli back and went for a heavy dinner....and black ball. (Have you guys tried this good shit yet?!!?!)Wanted to snap more pictures after this but everything was a blur after....
Anyway for those who came down, thank you! I actually like doing fleas even though it's kinda tiring and sometimes quite boring ah honestly.... Can't wait for the next time!
Have been feeling really down lately.... like i'm not good enough. I'm sick of everything, not referring to life or the people around me but myself. Like what i'm doing, what i have to do, etc etc.. I'm also feeling really (i don't wish to use this word but i can't think of any other substitute) ugly recently. Like you know how sometimes you'll have your bad hair/ bad face day and then you just feel super ugly and not want to take any pictures or even go out? Yup. That's how i feel. Except that i've been feeling that way for the whole of this week already....... I don't know what's wrong but it's definitely doing me no good. Sigh. Plus exams are coming in a month's time, intensive revision classes are starting next week. Everyone around me are halfway done or almost or even, finished with their revisions but me? I only did half a chapter of notes for ONE module so far. I've 5 mods. I know i know i only have myself to blame but...........
--And one last thing!!!Formspring will be gone by the end of this month so i've set up another account for you guys to ask me questions! Shoot right awayyyyyyy i could use some company and talk to you guys xoxoxo have a great long weekend! ♥
Ah! My long overdue post. Have been meaning to blog about my second hair journey with Salon Vim since weeks ago but haven't got the time and mood to get down and do it.....until now. Ok excuses aside, let me share with you how my stylist, Lilian helped me to go from this :

to this:

(credits to Lacepipe, WeAreRubbish, TheScarletRoom and Shoppmt)
OOTD with a pretty good backdrop that i just discovered bwahaha
Actually i didn't plan to colour my hair that day, i just wanted to do treatment because my hair was getting really unhealthy and dull and rough and everything that you do NOT want your hair to be :( but the highlights and red tones from my previous dye job (not done at Salon Vim) was fading off and i just looked SO messy on top so Lilian decided to help save my hair!
But don't get me wrong, it not that i do not like my previous red hair, i LOVED it actually. I just don't like how my highlights are fading off into copper streaks and there wasn't much red to be seen anymore.... Plus all the dryness just made my hair looked worse. Sigh how i wish red hair is easier to maintain :(
So let the dye job begin! Remove alllll the brassy streaks!!!!!
After which she did my favourite Redken treatment!!!!! I LOVE THISSSS.

I think she did the Colour Strength treatment for me because i was complaining about how dry and rough and tangled (especially after wash) my hair was and because of that i experienced a super crazy hair fall problem too... So stressed and heart pain during that period because of this :(
steam steammmmm
and more steammmmmm
After another wash and blowdrying.......
*tadaaaaaaa* IT WAS SO SMOOTH AND SILKY!!! It was just like i didn't had any dye job done before omggggg gotta love Redken *.*
Lilian chose ash brown for me to cover all the red and highlights but i was told because red and slightly bleached highlights are SUPER hard to get rid off so my current colour will slowly fade and my highlights will be seen again, even though not as bright as before anymore, and i'll hafta go back and cover again to get rid of them totaaaalllyy

So just a small tip for you guys, remember the next time you are planning to get red hair, THINK before you do it. It's pretty but hard to maintain because it fades off SUPER fast into a orangey/copperish colour and to colour another colour back will take some time as well...!

Anyhoo this is my hair colour now... Few weeks after the dye job and treatment. Highlights isn't that obvious yet and hair is still silky smooth and and AND i don't drop that much hair already YESSSSS *punch fist*
Gotta love Lilian. and Salon Vim. and Redken treatment.
Salon Vim
313 Orchard Road
T: 68847757 / 68847767-
Ok 1 question guys, if you haven't already know, Formspring is closing down on the 31st of March so... Do y'all want me to set up a account (similar to formspring) so y'all can continue asking me questions there or should i not? And just enable the comments section under my blog posts?
Ok abrupt end here, love y'all! x