I've been super busy with work and traveling so have been a bit too tired to blog recently, I'm sorry, but better late than never, right!? Happy New Year! Somehow I managed an entire evening without taking photos on New Year's, which I spent with Matt and some friends in South London, so I thought I'd post the rest of the photos from Devon instead.
I miss the beautiful countryside, the evening light on a frosty clear day is truly something to behold. But on the other hand I'm still happy to be home - back in my cold, dark North London flat where my pet rats keep me up through the night rustling around in their shredded Stylist magazine nests and play fighting. I'm also happy to be back at work, the early mornings are a bit of a shock to the system but it feels good to have a purpose in life again besides eating cheese.

Oh yes, I did promise to tell you more about my new job! I'm very excited to be the new Stylist at Jack Wills, where I get to work alongside an amazing team of creatives and the super talented Senior Stylist whose Instagram account you can check out here. Despite my wonderful start to 2015 I do of course still have a few New Year's resolutions including reading more, writing more, watching more films and just generally kicking ass at my new job. Again, happy new year!
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