I start the day by washing my face with a Clean & Clear exfoliating face wash by Johnson's, I only started using it regularly about three weeks ago and I've already noticed a difference. I then apply Simple Hydrating Light moisturiser all over my face before using No7 cover stick, (I have horrendous circles under my eyes), and translucent powder, which gives my skin a matte look. I also recently discovered that Simple have a range of sun protection creams which not only rehydrate your skin but protect you from UVA and UVB rays, so I've been using this one on sunny days.
After applying a base I sometimes wear white or silver eye shadow as I find it opens up my eyes, and then I add a black flick using eyeliner to extend my lashes. I bought the Eyeko visual eyes liquid eyeliner last week, (which is what I'm using in these pictures), but i'm really disappointed. It drys quite quickly and then gets sticky! I'll probably carry it with me when travelling for the convenience but I much prefer the Maybelline eyeliner pot that I normally use. I also wear a bit of black or brown pencil eyeliner under my eyes to define them and then add mascara before finishing with blusher. If I have time I sometimes use an eyebrow pencil to darken my brows too!
For those of you who follow me on instagram you'll have seen that I recently visited Berlin! I had a fab time, it wasn't what I expected but the city was really unique and interesting, I can't wait to show you photos! I also recently found out that I've got tickets for Glastonbury through a family friend, so I'm off to Glastonbury festival next week wooooooooo!
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