The first few days of Glastonbury are always super fun, (possibly helped by the fact that you're clean and your hair still looks good), because the music and most of the entertainment doesn't actually start until the Friday, which leaves you with two whole days to entertain yourself! Luckily, this festival isn't just about the music so there are endless fields to explore and weird and wonderful acts to discover. We therefore spent these days walking around in the sunshine - until it properly pissed it down on the Thursday that is. Every year.
On Thursday evening we went to the Park and managed to get into the Rabbit Hole, a club I'd always been aware of but had never actually been to. We queued for at least an hour before crawling through a lanky man in a top hat's legs and through a dirt tunnel in order to enter, it was pretty odd I must say! The next night we went to Arcadia, which is definitely one of my favourite aspects of Glastonbury festival, it's such a cool show and the music is always really fun… Any way, I really don't want to bore you with a chronological list of what I did so I'll leave you with a few highlights and some photographs! (Please excuse the strange image quality, we didn't want to bring a DSLR for obvious reasons so were shooting on an odd mix of rubbish point and shoot and dodgy film!)
Highlights: Crystal Fighters were fabulous, they always put on such a good show and there was an amazing vibe! We drank wine and danced the night away before getting a delicious chicken wrap, which we ate whilst walking back to the tent… for more wine! I also really enjoyed MGMT, The Jezabels, (I wish I was as cool as Hayley Mary), Bonobo and of course, Lana Del Rey. I didn't like her dress though, just saying.
This year was my third Glastonbury, it was also my most tiring and muddy! Although in a couple of months I'll probably forget how uncomfortable sleeping on the floor for five nights is, or how disgusting the toilets are… I'm still really not sure if I want to go back next year. It is a truly marvellous, wonderful and inspiring place but maybe three times is enough and I should try something new!? I've always fancied going to a festival abroad any way… any recommendations? Wait, who am I kidding? Glastonbury is addictive, and even though it makes you feel like crap and, well, the lineup hasn't been all that great the past few years, you ALWAYS end up wanting more! See you in 2015… probably ;)
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